Monday, May 9, 2011

Journal Entry #20

This is a product that I enjoy everyday, Old Spice deodorant. The colors that where picked for this product label flow together very well, using the complementary colors of red, blue, and white to easily high light what they want to on the product while being easy on the eyes. The simplicity is also a great bonus for this product, allowing just the essential information to be on there and not clutter anything up. Even the symbol is very simplistic, being that it is just the white silhouette of a sailboat.

Journal Entry #19

Here is two examples of papryus font being used in advertising for a store. This font may indeed be used a lot, however that may not be a bad thing. Typically speaking, something becomes famous for a good reason. The font is sleek, well designed, and can set quite the mood for what it is being used for. In my opinion, the people who don't seem to like this font don't like it because of it's popularity... they'd be a kind of typography hipsters.

Journal Entry #17

This is a cover of a magazine that's advertising it's contents on it. Near the bottom is a sticky note that says "Sharon shares her secrets" then continues to list what they are. This is a pretty effective font to use for this kind of advertisement. It makes it more personal than the cold typewriter text, making the audience feel that Sharon really is about to share her secrets to just you, not in reality that it's just some writer spewing junk to the world. This advertisement isn't selling anything in particular, but it is instead trying to sell itself and this type attempts to draw the audience into a more personal connection between the person and the product, thus effectively advertising itself off.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Journal Entry #16

This piece of graffiti is almost disturbing to first look at. It's a tree with a stitched, but still fairly open wound. However, it was very well done and it can say a lot about culture in how we treat living trees as decoration, and we repair it as such. Like a teddy bear who has a split back, it was crudely sown back up and forgotten. This could of came to be by a griffiti artist who simply had a cool idea and an interesting medium. He may have been walking along the street, having just suffered a wound himself that was poorly dressed. This could of inspired him to express what he is thinking and feeling at this moment and make his feelings known to all of history.

Journal Entry #13

This first image is almost a no brainer at it's importance. Cellphone connect people to eachother, allowing for mobile and easy contact to one another. Imagine the problems that would of been avoided if cellphones where always around?

The next image on my list is the automobile. This invention has allowed humans to travel great distances with ease, helping to bring resources to needed areas, or simply allowing family members to see each other.
Televisions have play an important role is modern society. It allows for people to easily express their opinions or provide entertainment to the general public. If the amount of time people as a whole have spent watching T.V was used with something more productive think of what could of gotten done.
Computers are similar to T.V's in a way, however they go much more beyond that. The combine the visible medium of televisions with the communication of cellphones. These computers have played a huge role, just in recent times they have been used to spur uprisings in various countries and organize events.

The light bulb is another great invention. Because of this people are able to see in what would otherwise be dark areas. This is also a much more efficient method than lighting a torch, because it significantly reduces the chances of fires.

Personal fridges go a long way into improving an individuals life. You no longer need a massive cold room to store your perishable goods.

The clock is a powerful invention that allows people to tell time. This allows for a dramatic increase in people arriving on time and allowing for people to manage their day to day activities.
Cloths have been in use for a very long time, and for good reason. They allow people to adjust to any climate they may be in and also help to provide comfort to the wearer. It is obvious why clothing is an amazing invention.
Modern medicine has played a huge role in modern life. This is literally an invention that people would die without. Because of this, life spans have increased and has allowed for humans to get over otherwise fatal illnesses.Deodorant is a personal item I would have trouble living without. Because without this, people would not dare approach me because they would be able to smell me from a mile away. This invention has allowed people to smell fresh and nice, improving society in general.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Journal Entry #12

This advertisement is a fantastic example of Frank Jefkin's Three Basic Principles of Effective Advertising. This would be of great interest to an individual who is interested in music, anybody who loves music would immediately be interested in a product that could improve their listening experience, successfully fulfilling his first requirement. The next two requirements are to be concise and precise, which this ad definitely does by not beating around the bush. It only has three words in it, and that's feel the sound. The point that it is trying to get across is that this music player allows the audience to actually feel it with supreme quality. In just under a few seconds the viewer instantly knows what this ad is about and what it is that they're trying to sell.

Journal Entry #11

Myths are pretty cool stuff.